Homemade :Chocolate + Almond + Chia seeds = Yummy Gluten-Free cookies

After reading and (may be) testing my winter soups some of you may be ready for something sweet and delicious, just to start well the week end! I am with you!
What about some cookies, healthy, delicious and quick to make?
A few months ago I decided to switch from store-bought basic food to homemade food. For the past weeks I have made almost everything we eat in our home from scratch and I decided to really focus onto homemade food from: cookies, pastas, pizza, baguettes (my husband is our bread master- he religiously make them every day!), ice cream and even to ricotta cheese!
If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you saw some of them already!
So for the next week you will see on my blog a new serie of posts based on Cooking from scratch. And yes I can assure you all can do it.
This quest for healthy food and cooking has been reinforced through a Blog and certainly a beautiful person: Nathalie Ruffat Westling. She lives in France and her blog is a fantastic journey unto healthy, delicious and a simple living. Visit her blog and your day will be different. She has the knowledge to find the best ingredients, herbs, olive oil…..If I am a novice in term of cooking from scratch Nathalie is the Queen of a unique and healthy cooking full of flavors from her secret Luberon Colline/ hill or from around the world. She totally inspires you. She is also a talented photographer and I am very excited that soon you will read an Interview I did with Nathalie in my blog.
Meanwhile I encourage you to bookmark her fantastic Blog :
les Cuisines de Garance
Since I know many cookies recipes that are quick and that need only few ingredients why bother buying some cookies made with preservatives, artificial colors…???
Here is a delicious and simple for crunchy and heallthy chocolaty cookies that you can make too!
Chocolate Almond and Chia seeds Cookies
1/4 cup organic butter melted
1/4 cup Organic All Vegetable shortening softened
1/4 cup Almond flour or meal
2 Tbsp Semolina flour
2 Tbsp Rice flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
pinch kosher salt
1/2 cup chopped Dark chocolate
chia seeds
Pre-heat oven 350 F.
Use a baking sheet lightly floured.
In a large bowl mix all flours,baking powder, chocolate and salt. Set aside.
In another bowl mix well the butter and shortening. Add this mixture to the flour mixture.
Mix well all ingredients.
With a spoon make balls sprinkle chia seeds on them and place them on the baking sheet.
Cook for 5 minutes. Then open the oven and with a large spoon flat the balls.
Cook another 15 minutes until cookies are golden.
Let them cool for 10 minutes ( if you can wait until this)

Hi! This recipe looks great! Semolina flour has gluten in it, however, so I recommend finding a substitution if you are gluten-intolerant!
Nicholle Rudisill
“Chia seeds have been in Whole Foods for a long time, but they’re just now starting to grow in popularity,” said Drew Rosen, nutrition and cooking teacher at New York City’s Whole Foods Market Tribeca. “It’s an ancient crop, but because the seeds are so flexible and high in omega threes, they are just blossoming all over the markets in all different types of products.” ,
Consider our own website as well
Mia Core
I really like to munch chia seeds just for the vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that i can get from it. `
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