A clean start to 2012 : Superfood salad for breakfast

After indulging in too much food and too many drinks, light meal and whole food are what your body is craving for. Even if this year our holidays were based on simple food (except just a little Foie Gras— Merci Isabelle and Jerome your homemade Foie Gras from the Gers was a pure delight, the best we ever had — a big detox-cleansing was not in need but I wanted to start the new year with an healthy style of life based on more meditation, yoga, whole food easy to digest, to prepare and that can povide more energy.
After this morning Meditation and Yoga ( yes we are only January 4 I am still hoping I can stick to this new routine) I had green tea and decided to eat something different from my usual breakfast. I though “Gluten-free” breakfast! Something new to me! Love my bread and croissants!
In no time, I was able to make a delicious salad. This salad is composed of layers of different ingredients. I discovered this salad’s technique in my favorite French cooking magazine : Elle a Table
Instead of mixing all ingredients with vinaigrette as usual, why not taking extra time to display the salad to make the salad looks pretty.

Superfood Salad
Adapted from Leon’s Leon Original Superfood Salad Recipe
2 Tbsp Organic white quinoa, cooked
1 Cup Mache salad ( Trader Joe’s salad section)
1/2 cup frozen peas, cooked
1/2 cucumber diced
2 radishes thinly sliced
1/4 cup feta cheese crumbled
1/4 cup pomegranate seeds
vinaigrette :
2 Tbsp lemon juice
4 Tbsp Olive oil
1/4 tsp sesame oil
1 garlic clove
1 piece fresh ginger ( 1 inch)
On a plate place the quinoa, top with cucumber, peas, Mache salad, radishes, feta and pomegranate seeds.
Place all vinaigrette in a blender and mi well. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.

Atma Khalsa
I like the idea of adding the quinoa, it so high in protein