About Me

About Celine
Celine Cossou is a self-taught Cooking Instructor with more than 15 years of teaching experience, and a life-long passion for healthy cooking.
Born in Paris and raised in the South of France, she essentially discovered cooking as a child through her mother, who had herself inherited her talents and recipes from a long family-tradition of fine cooking.
After extensive travels throughout Europe and Mediterranean countries, Celine migrated to New York City, another Mecca of fine cuisine, with her husband in 1993. There they started a start-up company specializing in gourmet and cooking tours to France. Working in collaboration with some of the most renown French Chefs and food-network-style celebrities that started the trend of Healthy Cooking in France in the late 70’s and early 80’s (Michel Guerard, Alain Ducasse, Rene Berard), the company quickly became a leader in the United States with more than 5,000 trips organized every year.
After the tragedy of 9/11, she decided to move on and take some needed free time in order to raise a family. Pregnant with twins, she found herself surrounded with nannies, babysitters, new moms and moms to be with absolutely no clue on how to feed and cook for their kids and family.
In 2007 Celine decided to jump again on her favorite horse and created Celine’s Cuisine, a company specializing in healthy-cooking education through the city of Murrieta. Since she has been principal cooking and baking Instructor for the cities of Temecula, Menifee, Riverside and Escondido.
Since 2011 she is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Coach, specialised in women’s health.
“I believe in organic meats and produce and eating wholefood, banning processed food full of artificial flavors, colors. I believe in olive oil, real butter, real whole milk, free range eggs. I believe in the taste of Artisan breads or cheeses, I believe that cooking is one of the most satisfying experience we can have in our daily life. I want to teach my kids how to cook from scratch the same way my mother and my grandmother did, not from a box”
Today she is conducting Cooking Classes for Adults, Teenagers and Kids at various local Inland Empire Community Centers, and conduct Private Cooking Parties at people’s home in LA, OC, SD, PS.She is also developing recipes for local vendors, and contributed monthly to various local magazines in the Temecula Valley (Neighbors, Living Valley).
In 2011 her first cookbook was published by an independant publisher : “Pack a Lunch”, Cooking with Trader Joe’s cookbook serie. She was on San Diego Tv morning shows, radio shows and lately on podcasts.
She also did different cooking demonstrations at the Public Library of Murrieta, local Cooking store ( Kitchen fantasy and Murrieta cooks).
As a Volunteer she has conducted many cooking classes with Middle School students 4 years ago.
She is a Wellness- Nutrition Coach and helps people to reach an healthy life and was a consultant for the School District in order to provide better meals at local Schools Cafeterias.
Eat Well, Be Well.

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I’m interested in information about cooking classes for my daughter. Are you still conducting classes? When? Where? Please confirm. Thank you!
Recettes faciles
Ca à l’air top, je vais essayer ca bientôt. Merci pour l’info.
Hi Celine,
I recently bought your new cookbook, and was wondering
where you purchased your bento box; I really like the idea of packing lunch in them.
Hi Celine!
I know you from the TVMOMS and I’m wondering how I sign my girls up for your classes and what the fees are etc. Thanks!
Dan Mesirow
we want to feature you on our site. please contact me
Elisa DeCristo
Hello Celine,
I just wanted to say hello and let you know how much we are looking forward to your class. I recently registered my 5 year-old daughter for your “Mommy and Me in the Kitchen” class in Murrieta. I’m a homeschool mom and my daughter and I love to cook. So much so that I started my own blog about our homeschool cooking adventures.
I follow you on FB and Twitter and look forward to meeting you in person.
Ive got some great party ideas from this. Halloween is gonna be a good one! Thank you
Bonjour Celine!
Thank you for the lovely comment you shared on my blog, wonderful to read about your work and creative passion for healthy food here, with which I feel a kinship…I love French and especially Provencal culture/cuisine (and am from NYC originally) and the natural beauty of fruits, vegetables and flowers!
So interesting how your path has combined French food wisdom and California back-to-the-land creativity–two very fertile sources of healthy, sesonal culinary celebration and inspiration!
I look forward to learning and enjoying here at your blog…
Warmest regards,
Dena Carpenter
Its Dena, Kaitlyn’s mom…Kaitlyn is doing a cookbook for her 5th grade class, and would like to include your recipe that you did with her for Empanadas, but we can’t find it on the website. Could you please email me back, and Kaitlyn will be seeing you on your Little Chefs class starting on Sept. 3rd. She misses you!!
Coucou Céline,
Tu es passé par chez moi hier (cookcoon) 🙂 merci pour le comm’ et la visite… Et si tu step by, n’hésites pas à venir boire un café?… Ou convier des ameericano parisiens à un cours de cuisine sur Pigalle !
bises bises sur les joues, à la française
soup recipe
Great Post, what do your reader think about jamie oliver? There are some really good jamie oliver inspited recipes mydish. I have also sent this post to my twitter profile.
My name is Piter Jankovich. oOnly want to tell, that your blog is really cool
And want to ask you: is this blog your hobby?
P.S. Sorry for my bad english
bonjour celine
j’ai lu le parcours interessant !!
et si tu es interessée par un peit blog de cuisine créative c’est chez moi !! Bonne continuation et à bientôt Pierre
Shelly Turgeon
Bon Jour! i am trying so hard to find a cooking class for my husband and I. He enjoys cooking so much as well as myself. I know he will enjoy a class if i can find a way to get us into one together. He already has some talent, and I want to find a way to do this together. Can you advise how we can sign up for a class, or something of the sort?
Thank you!!
Coucou ma Céline,
J’adore ton blog ! Bon, je ne comprends pas tout car mon english est loin derrière moi (vous ne voudriez pas être ma famille d’accueil pour que je vienne faire un stage ? :))
J’aimerais tellement que tu m’apprennes toutes ces belles recettes de cuisine !
Je t’embrasse et te souhaite une bonne continuation
Mary Claire
Hi Celine!
I’m from the tracy porter blog! Can you contact me about the decorations you did for your friend’s outdoor party? I was just put in charge of decorations for something similar.
C’est avec plaisir que je decouvre votre site !! Moi meme je suis du Sud de la France et j’habite a Toronto.
On a l’air d’avoir la meme conception des choses cote culinaire… Evaluant une grande difference entre la cuisine francaise et nord americaine.
Au plaisir 🙂
I really love the website and the way it is organized. It is so easy to navigate….really am enjoying the recipes especially for crepes. Thanks so much for this terrific culinary website.
carol miller
Hello Celine…I love your website….I found you through Tracy Porter and I now have another site I will be checking out every day. I love your philosophy about healthy and good cooking …my mother always cooked from scratch, never from a box…neither do I! Thank you so much for allowing me to visit….have a wonderful Easter!xoxox Carol
Oooh, Celine! I am from the Tracy Porter blog too! First, I just watched the Sound of Music video you posted – how great! Second, I am a HUGE fan of Real Food too, and am starting a blog about (among other things) how our family incorporates healthy cooking (healthy fats like butter and olive oil, sprouted grains, grassfed meats, whole, raw milk, etc.) into our lives and has experienced better health because of it.
So hello! Bonjour! And with your permission, I would like to bookmark your site for a future link/feature on my blog. I’m excited to build a community of people who know what it is to eat truly nourishing, satisfying food! I’ll see you on Tracy’s blog, and I’ll be visiting here regularly too! Also, I’ll let you know when I’m up and running…
Hi Celine
I love your site. I am a TP fan and found you through the blog. Wow, what lives we all lead behind those little orange names on the blog. Now I will be checking out two websites, yours and Tracy’s. Thanks for having me! PS: I lived in the Berkeley area for 7 years during my high-stress working years…..and never did go! And I had a cousin who worked there!