Bonjour Detox ! ( with menu samples and easy recipes)

My husband and myself like to detox once in a while, it is always good to flush away toxins and loose extra pounds.
Summer is the best time to start a detox if you can do it while you are on vacation this is perfect. A good detox process can be done via specific food (no dairy, no-gluten, no meat), healthy drinks ( tons of filtered water, herbs teas and homemade juices ) meditation, yoga, relaxation, sauna. And if you can take some naps, relax, turn off your TV computer or phone you may have a the perfect cleansing program.
Overall it is not complicated at all. You just need a little organization, some planning and of course use the best natural, organic or local grown ingredients you can find. This is a good time to visit your local Farmer’s Market.
During our last summer in 2011 we did a detox-cleansing at end of the summer. It was based on Kimberly Snyder program and book: “The beauty detox solution” . The first 2-days were not that easy, my husband and myself had some “starving” times but we did good and never plunge in extra food. The 3rd day was the more difficult one. But on the last day, day 5 we felt great full of energy, light, in a good mood. We lost between 4-6 pounds each.It was such a great feeling that we decided to do it again this summer 2012.
This summer during our stay in Lake Tahoe I read Dr Alenjandro Hunger MD book loved his philisophy and decided to give it a try and we followed his “clean program”.
As Dr Hunger suggests in his book you need to prepare yourself mentally and this is what I did. Lake Tahoe was the perfect place to reflect on myself, my diet, my way of life…I was reading his book and taking notes.
I adapted a little his program. We chose a 4- days this is what we had everyday:
– Before breakfast after you wake up 1 cup warm filtered water with 1/2 organic lemon
– For Breakfast : Smoothie ( made with fresh fruits, grains, seeds, nuts…)
– For morning snack : fruit juices or fruits for morning snack.
– For lunch : brown rice, green leaf vegetables with steamed fish, or chicken.
– Afternoon snack fruits or nuts
– For dinner: soup ( Dr Hunjer preconised for raw soup we went to cooked soup for a better digestion)
Important: you will need a fast for 12 hours between your last dinner and breakfast. 8 hours to digest and 4 hours to fast.
Here is a example of what we ate on July 16, 2012 -Day 1 with recipes:
- 1 cup warm filtered water with 1/2 organic lemon juice
- Green smoothie: 1 cup fresh pineapple (chunk), 1 peeled organic Kiwi, 1 organic apple, 1 small soft avocado, 4 cups homemade coconut water, 5 large kale leaves. 1Tbs flax seed, 2 tsp chia seeds Blend it in a blender. Make 2 glasses.
- Brown rice, mung beans, bok choy raw cashew, garlic and olive oil
- 1 Peach
- 5 plums
- Beet-apple soup: 1 medium beet cooked (steamed), 4 peeled carrots, 1 apple, garlic, pepper, cumin, cinamon, 1 celery branch cooked. Blended in a blender. Make 2 bowls.
Homemade Coconut water Recipe
- 4 cups of filtered water
- 1.5-2 cups of unsweetened shredded coconut
In a large bowl add coconut in water. Let sit for one night.
Strain coconut if you wish. I used it coconut + water in my smoothies!
Overall we liked this Detox program better than the one last year. Having a light lunch meal made a big difference.
Every day I made different smoothies using berries, carob, hemp milk, banana… whatever I had handy. We loved them and are now addicted to them. It was amazing to realize than because of these smoothies we were not hungry until lunch and we never snack.
So next time you need to have a good morning try these smoothies.
If you think that I would need to write a post related to my smoothies please let me know and leave a message!
Happy day and happy detox everyone!
What a fabulous post. Thank you. I would love to see you at My Dream Canvas!!