How making a Gingerbread house can teach you patience
I am so attracted to different cultures and traditions. I love Asian, simple and minimalist lifestyle and clean-food, but I love also…
Embracing a Natural, Minimalism, holistic , green and 0 waste Lifestyle.
I am so attracted to different cultures and traditions. I love Asian, simple and minimalist lifestyle and clean-food, but I love also…
Finally winter arrived in Southern California. Call me crazy but I love it. It is cold and rainy. Very rainy actually.…
There is nothing better that the scent of an apple dessert in the oven. I have been into baking recently and delicious crispy and sweet…
In France, we do barbecue or BBQ mostly with Merguez (Lamb sausages) and brochettes (vegetables/ meat on skewers) served with salads and rice.…
As a mom, a nutritionist and a cooking instructor, eating well is something very important for my own wellbeing and my family’s. Some…
Lucky me. My husband J. started a small vegetable garden last May. He planned everything: he designed it, he made the beds himself.…
This is so exciting! You can win my cookbook “ Pack a lunch” via 24/7 moms popular blog and webcast. Today Monday August…
First of all, I would like to personally thank all of you who participated in the giveway! The random number generated was…
Bonjour! I hope you had great week end. Sunday April 22 was Earth Day and I spent the day at the beach and…