Easy French Apple Tart

This apple tart is related to my childhood. My mother used to make her own puff pastry during the week, freeze it and thaw it on Saturday night to have ready to use on Sunday morning to make fantastic tart for our Sunday lunch.
On Sunday we could eat in the living room ( where is the TV). We never watched TV while eating in my family but on Sunday we could watch Le petit Raporteur with Jacques Martin and all his great team during the aperitif and we usually watched l’ecole des Fans when eating dessert ( this is how our national singer and actress Vanessa Paradis – Jonny Deep Girlfriend- was discovered!)
My mother would spend most of her Sunday morning cooking in the kitchen a fantastic meal while my sister, my father and mylsef would go to walk in the wood with the dog or play tennis!
The table setting was always impecable and beautiful with flowers, napkins, tablecloth, lovely china, good wines… My mothers used to display her beautiful tart on the living room buffet. Usually she was making Apple tart ou Tarte aux pommes, Strawberries and whipped cream tart, apricots or plums tarts in Summer….
For a long time ( too long in my opinion) I have been using frozen Puff pastry. I love the Artisan Puff pastry from Trader Joe’s it is made with natural and real ingredients very similar to homemade puff pastry. I like to stock them in my freezer. Actually in my cookbook” Pack a lunch” cooking with Trader Joe’s cookbook serie this is a very important ingredient!
So few months ago when I started to make everything almost from scratch I made my first puff pastry. It was a revelation! It wqs like I was back in my childhood time!
I used the recipe and video from “750 gr” a great French cooking website:
Puff Pastry video in French. So the instructions are in French but you can follow the steps. I think this is the best video that teach you how to make perfect puff pastry!
I just followed the instructions and made this amazing apple tart, my kids loved it! My daughter ate three slices and with my extra puff pastry I made individual mini apple tart she ate two!
So for those who never tried to make your own puff pastry do not be afraid, it is worth it, really. You can freeze it and make chicken pot pie, tart, pizza style tart….
So many possibilities!

French Apple Tart
• 1 pastry puff (homemade or store bought )
• 2-3 apples, peeled, cored and very thinly sliced,
• 1 tablespoon butter, cut into small pieces and cold
• 1 tablespoon sugar
1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.
2. grease and flour your 8-inch tart pan.
3. Roll your puff pastry very thin with a rolling pan.
4. placing it in the tart pan then refrigerator while you are preparing the rest of the tart.
5. Layer the thin apple slices closely together around the tart, starting at the edge and overlapping in a ring around the tart.
6. Dot the top of the tart all over with the butter, sprinkle sugar and place in the oven.
7. Bake for 10 minutes at 400 degrees F, then reduce the heat to 350 degrees F and bake for 30 minutes more. The apples should be soft and brown on the edges and the pastry should be golden brown.
8. Remove the tart from the oven and let cool