Make Sunday Crepes Day!


crepesSometimes routines are good. I do not have really routines when I cook for my family I have a Menu for each week and I make my Shopping list before going to the grocery shop and Farmer’s Market, but if I see beautiful Artichokes, Spinach, cauliflower, Organic meat, fresh eggs I may end up buying them to add up into my menu!
But since we moved to our new house I instored a Crepes Day! This is so great, easy, delicious and fun!
Every Sunday morning I make the Crepes batter, then put the batter in the fridge, and then around 5-6 pm I am starting to cook them.
The smell of Crepes in the pan … is so yummy and addictive! No need to call everybody to have them ready to eat they asking about the crepes as soon as they smell them.Then everyone can fill them up with what they want it can be sweet or Savory or both! Crepes are so versatiles. My husband like them with sugar, my kids with Nutella, I prefer mine folded into squares stuffed with Gruyere… and then the last one with sugar and cherries or any fruits …


I know when kids are all grown up, they will remember Sunday as Crepes day
We have them with hot cocoa, or Cafe au Lait. My husband  is the one crazy about Crepes I never make enough, he can eat 10 in a row and not getting any pound!

 French Crepes
3 eggs
1-1/4 C. flour shifted
2-1/4 C. milk
2 Tbsp. melted butter, plus more to cook the crepes in
1 tsp. salt
Preheat a pan (Crepe pan or an 8 inch non-stick pan) over medium heat. Mix eggs and a cup of the milk. Add in dry ingredients. Mix quickly. Add in the rest of the milk and melted butter; combine well.  You can use also a blender. This is a very thin batter, not like pancakes. Set aside for at least 20 minutes
Put a generous bit of butter (I cut the end of a butter stick and roll it into my hot pan.) Once it is melted, pour about 1/4 cup batter into the pan. Let the Crepe  cook for about one minute until golden, then flip and cook on other side about one minute .  Can it be more simple that that?
Put butter in the pan each time you cook another crepes..

How do you like your crepes?



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