Making better choices…and bone broth recipe

Facts : we are making too much trash. The average American generates about 4 lbs of waste a day. There are 319,000,000 people in the US. That’s 1,276,000,000 pounds of discarded material a day.
This is SHOCKING! And even if you ” recycle” the best you can. This is terrible news.
But do you know how to recycle properly in your daily life ?
Recycling is a wonderful thing. But do you know how to recycle properly in your daily life?
He is a great link to learn new things about recycling :
Another GREAT LINK that I posted on my fridge. And if you have some time , navigate along this website. You will fund tons of resourceful information about your local recycling program:
This month I am starting reducing our waste. Of course 0 waste is impossible, I want to be a more responsible person and embrace this journey with grace and comitment.
The 5 R’s :
- refuse
- reduce
- reuse (+repair)
- repurpose
- recycle
Zero Waste starts by refusing things. Whatever you still have and use you should reduce to save resources. Substitute disposables for reusable options, and instead of tossing things repairthem! Separate what little trash you have left and make sure to recycle. Repurpose : use a glass bottle for your next drink, use an old tshirt as a new cleaning towel…
How can you reduce your waste?
33 easy ways to reduce waste
Here is a list to help you to reduce your waste. This process takes time and can’t be done overnight. I have switched and ditched to more natural items, I am thinking twice before buying anything . Actually this is the perfect path to my Holistic, minimalist and healthy journey for my family, myself, my community and my planet. And overall this is a GREAT FEELING!
I noted on each “way” what / how I had already incorporated in my daily life.
- Do one day, then one week end, then one week, then a 30-day spend-fast to learn where you are making unnecessary purchases. DONE! I have done , 1 day, one week end and one week…The feeling is so great..and it is not as hard as it sounds!
- Don’t buy beverages in plastic or single serving . DONE! Some stores sell beverages in glass bottles. The good thing is that you can recycle them or re-use them with your own favorite drinks.
- Do not buy bottled water better to get a good water filter and drink from the tap. DONE ! We got a PUR water filter years ago. We use it for our daily water drinks or cooking!
- Carry a reusable water bottle . DONE! we bough Swell for the entire family! and the designs are really cool!
- Make your own tea or coffee and Take a reusuble travel mug – DONE! I am not a big fan of Starbucks or any other coffee shop chains. Usually the drinks are to sweet or too strong. I love making my own !
- Take your own reusable containers to takeout restaurants. If you hand over the containers when you order and ask nicely, most restaurants will oblige you. NEED TO WORK ON IT!
- Take your lunch to school or work and avoid takeout. Use a lunch box and reusuable snack bags . DONE! I have been doing my kids and husband lunchbox for years! Actually I published a cookbook about Homemade lunches and scnackes :
- Buy your milk in returnable, reusable glass bottles. In many stores, you’ll even get some money back for doing so! DONE! I love Straus Family creamery milk. – available a local Barons Market place
- Buy your honey, nut butters, plant milk, foods in jars you can reuse or return to the merchant. DONE! Again I have been very conscious cunsumer for years and It is almost natural to pick up items in paper or glass packaging.
- Return egg and berry cartons to the vendors at the farmers’ market for reuse. DONE!
- Bring your own reusable bags when doing any kind of shopping. DONE!
- Shop for food only from the bulk bins and from farms, produce stands or the farmer’s market, where food is unpack aged and fresh. n further and make your food very affordable.DONE! I bought my linen bags on Etsy
- Use your own reusable bags for both your produce and bulk items DONE!
- Ditch the processed, packaged food altogether. Make your own soup, yogurt, salad dressing, ice-cream and other foods that come in cardboard, aluminum, and plastic packages. DONE!
- When you eat out, politely ask your server to take away any paper or plastic napkins, placemats, straws, cups and single-serving containers, if you can. Be sure to explain why and leave a nice tip for their trouble. NEED TO WORK ON IT!
- Don’t buy anything that comes in wasteful single-serving packages, like candy, gum, granola bars, popsicles, etc. NEED TO WORK ON IT. Hard when you have kids in the house!
- Cancel your magazine and newspaper subscriptions and read them online or at the library. DONE!
- Use the library for books you don’t want or need to own.DONE!
- Use both sides of a piece of paper before recycling it or making it into upcycled crafts. DONE! I have done it for years, first to save money!
- Use old clothes for rags for cleaning around the house, instead of paper towels. DONE! Same thing I have done it to save money!
- Use cloth napkins and hand towels in your kitchen. DONE! This is the way I was raised with cloth napkins and hand towel in our family kitchen in France.
- Don’t use throwaway plastic razors and blade cartridges. Consider an electric razor or waxing with cloth if you are a woman, or using an electric razor or a straight razor if you are a man. DONE!
- Use non-disposable feminine-hygiene products such as a I AM WORKING ON IT!
- Make your own non-toxic and effective toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and even makeup . I AM WORKING ON IT!
- Carry a cloth handkerchief or napkin for everything from blowing your nose to drying your hands to wrapping up a purchased doughnut. DONE! I never liked kleenex or paper tissue. I know people think cloth handkerchief are gross or not hygienic but I hate paper tissue!
- Make your own non-toxic household cleanersto avoid all the chemicals and throwaway plastic bottles. Put your homemade cleaners in a recycled glass vinegar bottle with a repurposed spray nozzle. DONE! Very easy to make and very satisfying
- Use the plastic bags that other people’s newspapers are delivered in to pick up dog poop. DONE!
- Keep a worm bin or compost pile to compost all your food scraps, leftovers, floor sweepings, and more. NEED TO WORK ON IT!
- Don’t buy anything disposable. Look for durable goods instead or borrow what you need. Paying a little more up front often means things will last much longer for you. I AM WORKING ON IT!
- Avoid buying anything in packaging – buy nothing unless it’s second hand). DONE! Our local SAVERS STORE carry so many useful second hand things. love it.
- Give your old clothes to charities or others who can use them. DONE! You can find lovely clothes NOT made in China, and second hand clothes are healthy for you since they have been washed plenty of time no fabric toxins on it as the brand new ones..
- List items you no longer need on Freecycleor BuyNothing, instead of throwing them away. (It’s amazing what you can find on Freecycle or BuyNothing! You can sometimes even find motor homes!). NEED TO WORK ON IT AND JOIN THIS COMMUNITY!
- Skip buying plastic garbage bags and simply put your trash into the can itself. This will require you to wash the can from time to time, but if you are compostingwell, it won’t get too messy. I AM WORKING ON IT
Some little changes can have a huge impact on our life, society, health. I want to be a part of it!
Have a lovely, clean, green, peaceful day!
Adapted from source :

- 2 pounds (or more) of bones ( beef, lamb, chicken…)from a healthy source only grass fed/ organic
- 1 onion
- 1 leek
- 2 carrots
- 2 stalks of celery
- 1 bunch of parsley
- ½ bunch cilantro
- 2 pieces fresh ginger peeled
- sea salt ( to taste)
- 1 teaspoon peppercorns
- spices to taste: cumin, fennel seeds…
- 2 cloves of garlic for the last 30 minutes of cooking.
- Filtered water
What you need: a large stock pot to cook the broth in + strainer to remove the pieces when it is done.
Place the bones in a large stock pot . Pour water over the bones. Let sit for 20-30 minutes in the cool water.
Rough chop and add the vegetables (except the parsley and garlic, if using) to the pot. Add any salt, peppercorn, spices, if using.
Now, bring the broth to a boil. Once it has reached a vigorous boil, reduce to a simmer and simmer until done.
During the first few hours of simmering, remove the impurities that float to the surface, a foamy layer will form and you need to scoop off with a big spoon. Throw it away. You can check every 30 minutes or so for the first 2 -3 hours to remove this.
During the last 30 minutes, add the garlic , cilantro, parsley, if using.
Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Strain using a fine metal strainer to remove all the bits of bone and vegetable. When cool enough, store in a gallon size glass jar in the fridge for up to 5 days, or freeze for later use.