Sea scallops with cream and Matcha tea

These Sea scallops are from Alaska. I bought them at Alaska’s Nature’s Seafoods, from Terri Popa Commercial Fisher & owner. She is selling amazing seafood, wild salmon and smoked salmon at Temecula Farmer’s Market. Her and her family are travelling to Alask during fishing season and bring back the best salmon and other fishes you can find upthere. I invite you to visit her website!
Alaska’s Nature’s Seafoods,.
As you can see these scallops are huge and actually they are called biscuits sea scallops!
I think Sea scallops taste the best when they are almost eaten plain saute with salt and pepper. In this recipe I just added some cream, garlic and a pinch of Matcha tea on them!
Sea Scallops with cream and Matcha tea
Serves : 2
6 Biscuits Sea scallops or 12 small -medium
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 garlic clove pressed
1 Tbsp heavy cream
Matcha tea
Rinse the sea scllops under cold water and pat with paper towel.
In a saucepan under medium flame heat the olive oil when hot add the scallops and garlic. Add salt nd pepper. Saute them until brown , but never overcook sea scallops they will become hard.
Turn off the heat. Pour the cream on the scallops and a pinch or two of Matcha tea.
Place in little serving plate or mini-cocotte and serve immediately.
