Secret of a very easy French dish : leek and onion quiche
A dish made in 45 minutes, easy to make, delicious who can satisfied your entire family? What is it are you asking? Quiche! Of course. With a salad or a soup on the side this is the perfect lunch or dinner main dish.
In France,every woman has her own twist when making quiches.
She can uses puff pastry dough or pie crust, she can use cream, creme fraiche or milk, she can use Gruyere or goat cheese, bacon or ham, zucchini or broccoli the possibilities are endless.
Here I am sharing my “Leek and Onion” quiche. Very simple. Delicious cold, hot or at room temperature. Perfect with endives salad and a glass or red wine.
Again regular pie crust or puff pastry can be used. Homemade or not. For those who want to try homemade puff pastry I added the recipe below otherwise Trader Joe’s Artisan puff pastry is perfect very similar to homemade.

Onion and leek Quiche
1 homemade crust or store- bought puff pastry in 12 inch tart pan
3 large onions, very finely sliced caramelized
1 leek, very finely sliced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 1/3 cup heavy cream
5 oz raped gruyere cheese or trio cheese
4 eggs
Salt & Pepper
1 Tbsp Olive oil
*all ingredients from TJ’s
1. Saute onions, in olive oil on medium heat in a large saucepan, until onions are transparent (not brown). Then add leeks and garlic lower the heat and sauté for 6 minutes. When leeks are soft and tender, season, mix and then torn of heat and set aside. This mixture needs to cool down.
2. Meanwhile oiled and floured the pie pan.
3. Prebake pie dough as indicated below
4. Work on a floured surface.
5. With a floured rolling pin, roll out the dough into a 1/8 inch thick disk large enough to cover the bottom and sides of the pie pan.
6. Loosely fit the dough into the ready pie pan and gently press the dough edges into the sides.
7. Trim the excess dough off the edges of the pie pan and press in desired edge design.
8. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 20 minutes to chill
9. lightly prick the bottom of the dough with a fork
10. Line the dough with parchment paper Evenly fill with pie weights, or dry beans dry peas, or uncooked rice.
11. Bake in a preheated oven at 350°F for 15 minutes, or until the top edges just begin to turn color.
12. Remove the baking beans and parchment paper, or coffee filter.
13. Set aside
14. Mix cream, eggs, salt & pepper together.
15. Pour into tart crust. Sprinkle cheese evenly over entire tart.
16. Bake in 325 degree oven until custard is set. About 25-30 minutes.
Quick Puff Pastry
(adapted from Epicurious)
4 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons salt
6 1/2 sticks (3 1/4 cups) unsalted butter, cut into rough 1/2-inch cubes, chilled
1 cup cold water
Combine the flour and the salt in the bowl by of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment or with your hands. Add all the butter to the bowl at once and mix for 30 seconds on low speed or by hand. You want the butter to just start to break up and incorporate into the flour. Add the cold water and mix for 15 seconds.The dough will look dry and crumbly.
Roughly shape the dough into a rectangle. Fold over the right third of the dough to the center. Fold the left two-thirds over the dough and turn 90 degrees. This was your turn #
STEP 3: Using the palm of your hands, push the dough back to a flattened rectangle and repeat the process 2 more times for a total of 3 turns. If at any point you feel the butter getting soft or the dough becomes too tough to work with just place it in the fridge to rest for at least 30 minutes.
After 3 turns, place in the fridge to rest for at least 30 minutes or up to 1 hour. You can leave the dough at this state overnight if time is an issue — just let it rest on the counter for 10 minutes to remove the chill from the butter slightly before starting the turning process again.
STEP 4: Once the dough has rested, continue with 3 more turns. After this first rest the water will have hydrated much of the flour and it should resemble a dough. This is when I start to use the rolling pin rather than my hands to work with the dough.
Let rest again for 30 minutes.
At this point your dough is ready to use. Most often recipes call for a sheet of puff pastry. Roll out your dough to ¼ inch thickness and cut to any size that the recipe calls for.

This looks awesome Celine – I must try! I also love your book!!! 🙂 Happy holidays.